This weekend was super low key so I'm following True Britt's lead and copying her "Currently" Blog post.
Reading: Beautiful Creatures. I'm trying to finish it before I see the movie. I'm also reading the Bible all the way through this year. I'm using the you version app on my phone. It gives you an Old Testament Reading and New Testament Reading each day.
Wanting: My whole house to be decorated and me not have to do anything. A girl can wish, right!
Feeling: Happy!
Listening: K-Love. I'm taking the 30 day challenge and I can definitely tell a difference in my attitude and outlook towards everything. If you aren't currently listening you should start and try out the 30 day challenge and see what changes it can make in your life. God can work miracles if you let him!
Drinking: French Vanilla Coffee and Water. I'm trying to up my water intake to a gallon everyday. I'm 25 ounces in so far. Only 100 more to go. The only downside is I'm spending alot of time in the bathroom. :)
Dreaming: About getting out of debt. 2013 is the year of savings and paying stuff off for the Franks House
Loving: GOD and my little family. Jared and Mable make my life complete!